Mika is Three!

Mika has the most clearly defined little personality of all the kids.  She is just HAPPY.  Like gloriously so.  She laughs, jokes, smiles, hugs, kisses, giggles and plays all day, every day.  She’s got a huge vocabulary and she uses it to tell us all the different ways she loves us.  It is the cutest thing.

Mika has a little bit of a fashionista in her (no idea where she got that) and she likes to do 3 or 4 (or 10!) costume changes a day.  Whenever she puts on a new outfit she goes and stands in front of the mirror and looks at herself from all her different angles then points at her bottom and declares, “that’s my butt!”

Mika can’t wait to go to preschool.  She starts in about a week.  Ever since we went and did the tour, when I’m getting the kids ready for school in the morning she lets us know that she will be going to preschool soon and that all her friends will be there.  She’s got her backpack all picked out and (probably) her first day of school outfit planned.  Where Aiman and Sofia can be a little bit reserved and shy, Mika is outgoing and sociable.  She’s made friends with all of Aiman and Sofia’s little classmates and runs around the park saying hi to kids and trying to get a hug if she sees an opening.

As awesome and happy that Mika is she’s also deep in the Terrible 2s/3s right now!  She is very stubborn and is happy to throw a tantrum to get what she wants.  We’re trying to see her through this period by the time honored tradition of ignoring her outbursts, although that usually just causes another, even angrier outburst! Luckily her tantrums are short lived and relatively rare, and her generally amazing nature keeps our annoyance to a minimum.

Mika has grown so much in the last year.  Her personality just gets bigger and more awesome every day and I can’t wait to see the kind of kid she grows in to.

Happy Birthday Mika Jane!  We love you too much!

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5 Responses to Mika is Three!

  1. Aunt Elaine & Uncle Marvin says:

    Happy Birthday to Mika from great aunt Elaine & Uncle Marvin. We àre in Seattle for another day, Karla leaves today, Marla left Saturday. We got to see Jonika, Chris, Lucas, & Jacob Friday. Melissa wasn’t abe to join us. Kari’s wedding was beautiful on San Juan Island @ Roche Harbor.

  2. Mom says:

    Kristina, I can’t watch the video on my iPad. It says “this video is private.” 😦

  3. Linda Scates says:

    Kristina, I tried to FaceTime you guys to wish Mika a happy birthday, but you’re probably out somewhere having fun. I’ll try again later. Also, I’m unable to access your video. I get a prompt that says it’s private.

    Sent from my iPad


  4. Mom says:

    Thanks for fixing it. :). She’s amazing.

  5. Mom says:

    That one picture where she has on the glasses, she looks like Marilyn Monroe. 🙂

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