The Trouble with Babies

You know what the problem is?  Newborns are actually pretty easy, two year olds who have had two parents spend every waking moment with them for the past six months and now have to share their time with newborns are HARD.

Aiman is super gentle and sweet with Sofia, but he’s a little confused about what the heck is going on around this previously Aiman-centric house.

Yesterday, Riaz had some things to do in town so I had both kiddos alone for most of the day.  When Aiman and Sofia both woke up from their naps at the same time, I had to feed Sofia and tell Aiman to wait to go on his afternoon walk.  Aiman proceeded to start crying in this totally pathetic sad kind of way saying “Nooooooooo mommy …. Noooooo.”  He wasn’t angry or aggressive towards Sofia, just ya know, sad.  I got to say, I felt bad for the kid.  There has been some serious upheaval in the last few weeks.

Aiman does have some intelligent ideas for how to deal with it all though.  Yesterday, before going on our walk, he grabbed my finger, dragged me into the room Sofia takes her naps in, pointed at the bed and said “baby … down … baby.”  Like, “it’s ok mom, we can just leave her here, its cool, she’ll be fine, just put her down, like now.”

All in all though, he is doing amazingly well with the new addition and we couldn’t be more proud.

P.S.  Please excuse the greasy face, unwashed (and unbrushed) hair, old nightgown and dark bags under the eyes.  I’m a mess.

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1 Response to The Trouble with Babies

  1. Nicki says:

    A bloody lovely mess! Sorry for delayed response, just catching up with my favourite family blog now. You look awesome Kristina… cant wait to see you soon at some point!! x

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